Sunday, October 5, 2014


Well, Friday night too...

On Friday night we all went to el Café Teatro, a little bar with a stage for performers and an art display. Spring Riot was the band playing, and they did a bunch of covers of music in English. I mostly liked when they covered Muse as well as when they played radioactive. Jose Luis, Noelia and I all had mojitos, which were good but stronger than I'm used to.

Yesterday Jose's sister-in-law and niece and nephew came over for a few hours, and his brother came later to pick them up. After that Avril went to a friend's birthday party and the rest of us went to a Slow Food convention ( It was in Balaguer, about 45 min away. They had conferences going on you could attend, as well as booths selling products. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies, nuts and jams, beers and wines.... It was awesome. It was all about unaltered, all natural foods made in traditional ways. Pretty much the opposite of fast food. Hence: Slow Food. Super tasty stuff!

Today we went to church, though it was a very short mass. It was in Castellano, rather than Catalan, and only took 20 minutes. Then the kids in the church had another 15 minute class with the priest afterwards and all the adults waited outside.

Random pic: I saw this one tree growing in the town and had an urge to take a picture. There is no dirt in the town, it is all paved over for roads and houses. Yet, this little tree had such a desire to grow, that it managed it through this tiny hole in the asphalt. Impressive, little tree.

Later we went to the house in the country again for another Sunday lunch with Noelia's family. Janet and her bf weren't there this time, but everyone else was. It was nicer out this time: lots of sun and wonderful 75ish degree weather. I got to pick a bunch of almonds from the trees and bring them home to eat. Maybe I'll make some almond milk... idk, I haven't decided yet. It depends on whether or not they have cheese cloth or something I can strain it in.
Noelia's mom said I should think of her as a mom and like Noelia as a sister while I am here, since I'm so far from my own family. She said I should never feel alone because they are here for me, my Spanish family. I'll admit, this made me tear up. Last night I had a dream that I went home for Christmas and didn't want to come back because I missed my family so much I didn't want to leave them again. Probably because I skyped with my family and Ryan last night. I actually felt ill this morning, and thought I was getting sick and told Noelia. She mentioned it to her mom and her mom said it was probably because I was holding in all my emotions. I think she was right, because after our chat and a good cry I felt a lot better. It's nice to have so much support here, as well as back home.

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