Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Monday went well... and now I'm sick.

So, Monday went great. Most of my classes were with older students, 13-16 year olds. The oldest class, 4 ESO is going to be doing a play that they wrote a script for after reading The Fall of the House of Usher last year. We started reading through the script, and I was asked to give advice on any changes that should be made. I enjoy editing, so this was fun for me.
The 1 ESO class was a little difficult to manage, since they hadn't memorized the vocab yet for their current lesson. Thankfully, my class doesn't require me to follow a syllabus or set schedule, I just need to get them to practice speaking English. So, I got them talking by asking questions about Spain. The main subject we spoke about was all of the non-Spanish flags I've seen draped everywhere. They explained that those are the flag of Cataluña, and there are two variations. One is just vertical red and yellow stripes, the other is the same with a star on top and a blue triangle. They both show support of Cataluña, however some people think that Cataluña should separate and be it's own independant country from Spain (Estelada - and others still show Spanish pride and think it should remain part of Spain (Senyera - They told me the main reason why some think it should be separate is that Cataluña is poorer than most of the rest of Spain and they are tired of getting taxed to help support the rest of the country. If they were only getting taxed enough to support Cataluña it wouldn't be nearly as much and they could keep more of their money. It was a good discussion, which allowed each student to say where they stand on the issue.
I also had my first "class" with the infants. Which was essentially just everyone coloring with crayons and me naming the colors in English, as well as naming some animals on cards.

Tuesday and Wednesday... not so great. I caught a cold/cough. So I spend these days home alone, catching up on TV shows I didn't really expect to watch while I am here. Very boring. I have decided that whether I feel better tomorrow or not, I'm going to school. I'm going stir crazy and really don't want to spend another day just laying around.

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